Process Technology III  (Operations)

Provided by: Ivy Tech

 Provides an overview of the field of operations within the process industry. Students will use existing knowledge of equipment, system, and instrumentation to understand the operation of an entire unit. Students study concepts related to commissioning, normal startup, normal operations, normal shutdown, turnarounds, and abnormal situations as well as the process technician's role in performing the tasks associated with these concepts within an operating unit.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the process technician role, the value of the role and key role responsibilities
  •  Define a generic operating unit and using supporting documentation discuss the process flow, process systems, auxiliary systems, utility systems, and major equipment associated with a process unit
  • Develop a unit startup plan, identify basic steps involved when placing equipment into service and bringing a unit online, identify potential unit personnel to communicate with prior to unit startup.

Recommended Background


Course ID

PROC 134


All Campuses


Ivy Tech


Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Effectiveness, Operating Units

Method of Delivery

Estimated Effort

